Meet the TOOG English team!

We came together to give people the opportunity to practice speaking English in a very simple and friendly way.

The TOOG English team creates, develops and encourages each other to do a little good for the world every day.

We encourage people to feel free and enjoy speaking English!


is a founder of TOOG. She does everything possible to encourage people of all ages to feel confident in speaking English.


is a creator of TOOG content, a host of chat groups. She is always ready for new ideas and enjoys helping people around her.


is a creator of TOOG content, a host of chat groups. He always finds room for jokes and no job is too difficult.


is a creator of TOOG content, a host of chat groups. He does things with a great sense of responsibility, and is able to truly move his audience.


is a creator of TOOG Junior content. He makes reading exciting and interesting, so that children develop their speaking skills in a very joyful way.


is a client manager. She is busy as a beaver happily communicating with our clients.

What is TOOG English?


We offer people the opportunity to practice their speaking skills in the presence of experienced leaders who are also the TOOG topic creators. 


The best way you can fall in love with English and learn to use your English language knowledge is by talking to other people. 


We create topic materials that you can use to develop your reading skills, vocabulary, listening skills, and pronunciation.

Join TOOG English classes and you will have the opportunity to practice your speaking skills more often than before.


Learning English is not a solo activity, as a person develops their speaking skills best by communicating with others.